Celina Miraglia Herrera de Figueiredo Events

oct 2024LAWCG 2024
member of steering committee
jul 2024XI Bienal de Matemática
plenary speaker
jul 2024ISMP 2024, Cluster on Combinatorial Optimization and Graph Theory
member of scientific committee
jun 2024Seminários PESC
mar 2024LATIN 2024
member of program committee
oct 2023TYAN-Humboldt Workshop in Mathematics
plenary speaker
sep 2023LAGOS 2023
invited speaker
sep 20231a Escola Brasileira de Combinatória
member of scientific committee
jul 2023Colóquio Brasileiro de Matemática
member of organizing and scientific committee
jul 2023IFORS 2023
justification for nomination of Clóvis Gonzaga to IFORS Hall of Fame
jun 2023Welcome to Affiliate Members of ABC
keynote speaker
jun 2023Seminários PESC
may 2023Reunião Magna da ABC
new member
mar 2023Maculan 80 Anos
organizer · video
jan 2023LACIAM 2023
member of program committee
jan 2023Monday with Marty and Students of Sunil: Honoring Jayme Swarzfiter
dec 2022CLAIO 2022
speaker at special session in honor of Jayme Szwarcfiter
dec 2022MDA 2022
invited speaker
oct 2022LAWCG 2022, in honor of Jayme Szwarcfiter
member of steering committee
aug 2022MFCS 2022
member of program committee
aug 2022FGV EMAp
opening lecture
feb 2022Conhecendo a Comissão de Gênero e Diversidade - SBM/SBMAC
sep 2021CLAM 2021
chair of session on combinatorics
aug 2021MFCS 2021
aug 2021Colóquio Brasileiro de Matemática
member of organizing committee
jul 2021Topics in Algorithmic Graph Theory 2021: book launch workshop
jul 2021IWOCA 2021
member of program committee
may 2021CANADAM 2021
nov 2020remote LAWCG 2020
member of organizing committee
nov 2020VIII Workshop da Escola de Informática & Computação
nov 2020Semana PESC 2020 – 50 anos
member of organizing committee
oct 2020Ciclo de Palestras em Matemática Aplicada UFAL e SBMAC
jul 2020Workshop in Honor of 60th Birthday
jul 2020PESC 50 anos de Conhecimento, Festival do Conhecimento da UFRJ
jun 2020WG 2020
member of program committee
may 2020Seminários online de Grafos, Algoritmos e Combinatória @ UFMG
sep 2019CNMAC 2019
keynote speaker
sep 2019A Tribute to Frédéric Maffray
aug 2019Workshop ParGO 20+50
jul 2019Encontro Brasileiro de Mulheres Matemáticas
chair of scientific committee · poster
jul 2019First joint meeting Brazil–France in Mathematics
chair of special session on graph theory · photos
jun 2019LAGOS 2019
speaker at special session in honor of Frédéric Maffray
may 2019Mais Mulheres na Engenharia
panel speaker
feb 2019Dia Internacional de Mulheres e Meninas na Ciência
panel speaker
aug 2018LAWCG 2018 — 8th Latin-American Workshop on Cliques in Graphs
general chair · proceedings
jul 2018(WM)2 2018 — World Meeting for Women in Mathematics
jun 2018WG 2018
member of program committee
apr 2018LATIN 2018 — Latin American Theoretical Informatics
member of program committee
mar 2018ELAVIO 2018
invited speaker
sep 2017LAGOS 2017 — IX Latin and American Algorithms, Graphs and Optimization Symposium
plenary speaker · survey
aug 2017Colóquio IMECC/Unicamp
aug 2017Colóquio Brasileiro de Matemática
jul 2016CSBC 2016 — Encontro de Teoria da Computação
jun 2016WG 2016 — 42nd International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science
member of program committee
jul 2015JAI 2015 — Jornada de Atualização de Informática
dec 2014Graph Theory and Combinatorics at FoCM 2014
nov 2014LAWCG 2014 — 6th Latin American Workshop on Cliques in Graphs
guest editor of proceedings at Matemática Contemporânea
may 2014Workshop on Graphs and Algorithms, in honour of Derek Corneil
mar 2014Structured Families of Graphs, celebrating Robert Jamison
jun 2013Colóquios em Ciência da Computação, IM/UFRJ
jun 2012WG 2012
member of program committee
nov 2010LAWCG 2010 — 4th Latin-American Workshop on Cliques in Graphs
general chair · proceedings at Matemática Contemporânea · special issue of Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society
sep 2010Centenary of Celina + Frédéric
nov 2009LAGOS 2009 — V Latin-American Algorithms, Graphs and Optimization Symposium
invited speaker
jul 2007Colóquio Brasileiro de Matemática
apr 2005GRACO 2005 — 2nd Brazilian Symposium on Graphs, Algorithms, and Combinatorics
apr 2002LAWCG 2002 — Workshop Latino-Americano de Cliques em Grafos