MACLAN - Método de Acesso Conversacional para Linguagens de Alto Nível. Aplicação a um Sistema Geral de Consistência On-line
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José Manuel Glicberg Blum
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Publicações do PESC
The MACLAN system developed in the first Section of this study is an Access Method for teleprocessigg in conversational applications.
It consists of a set o£ routines that may be called from programs written in any o£ the most common high level languages.
These routines provide facilities for editing, error correction an code definitions.
As an application o£ this system we developed a General Data Validation System.
This is a system for data-entry with simultaneous consistency tests that gives the users the option of selecting the operational processing mode, that is, batch mode or real-time mode.
In the real-time mode it can process simultaneously different data formats, generating the corresponding files o£ valid data and control reparts.
We also presented, for simplifying the programming of the Validation Module, an initial idea for defining a special language with the necessary resources for reaching this objective.