Exercitando o Funcionamento Dinâmico da Organização dos Agentes Econômicos na Nuvem: Uma Análise com Grafos e Simulações
5664 |
5665 |
5666 |
Maria da Graça Derengowski Fonseca
(Co-orientador) |
Publicações do PESC
The cloud is an economic organization over which multiple markets of Information Technology services are based. Examples of such markets are the services of e-mail, remote software development and remote database administration services. This economic organization is a system composed of economic agents that perform economic transactions of different nature, based on specific assets in which they invest. This thesis proposes a model of agents with the aim of describing the dynamics of this system using concepts of Economics Institutions and Graphs as representation. The model is implemented using a specific language for simulations named Netlogo and simulations are performed in various scenarios. The main contributions of this work are the findings that the cloud is a system that appears in a pre-competitive setting, of firms and users without markets, formed along the accomplishment of transactions; and that one of the factors favoring this configuration is called the network effect, which makes the transaction costs after a certain time become low and stable, regardless of the number of economic agents involved in the organization.