Métodos de Regularização para o Problema de Equilíbrio em Espaços de Hilbert
5410 |
Afonso Norberto da Silva
5411 |
5412 |
Publicações do PESC
In this paper, we consider the problem of general equilibrium on a closed convex
set. We present the problem, its particular cases and some from applications. We obtain results about the existence of solutions of the regularized problems. We propose a Tikhonov-type regularization and an interior proximal point algorithm with φ-divergence for solve the equilibrium problem. In the first case, we show a Tikhonov-type regularization method that can be extended for the equilibrium problem, where we establish the equivalence between the existence of solution of the original problem and the boundedness of the sequence generated by regularized problems. Following, under reasonable assumptions, we prove that the sequence generated by the algorithm converges to a solution of the equilibrium problem, when the regularization parameters are bounded.