Marcos Antonio de Almeida
Pós-Doutorado (Pos-Doc)
MARCOS ANTÔNIO DE ALMEIDA, was born in Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil, in 1958. From 1979 to 2009, he had a long, diverse career in information technology (IT), advancing through various technical, managerial, and entrepreneurial roles. As an entrepreneur, he garnered notable clients such as Shell Brazil, Congas (British Gas), TBG, Shell Portugal and Shell Gas (LPG) effectively competing against industry leaders like EDS and Atos Origin. In 2008, he earned a B.Tech degree in Computer Systems Technology from the Universidade Federal Fluminense in Niterói, Brazil. After that, he obtained the position of IT Analyst at DATAPREV, the Social Security Information Technology Federal Government Company. At DATAPREV, he has held the roles of New Business Designer (2019), Business Modeling analyst (2018), Business Architect (2016), Big Data Perícia Médica Solution Architect and Hadoop as a Service Technical Architecture (2014), and IT Analyst (2009). In 2012, he obtained a postgraduate degree in Cryptography from the Universidade Federal Fluminense. In 2013, he received his M.S. in Systems Engineering and Computer Science from the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In March 2023, he completed his doctorate in Systems Engineering from the same university.He transitioned to a scientific career as a Future Lab COPPE/UFRJ Research Fellow.
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