Calendário de Eventos
Sexta-feira, 31 Agosto 2007, 08:00
Contato: John ChinneckCarleton Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo.
Special Issue of the INFORMS Journal on Computing on HIGH-THROUGHPUT OPTIMIZATION
Call for Papers
High-throughput optimization is often extremely useful. Analysis of many related economic scenarios may be needed quickly, or a very large scale model must be solved in a short time. In these cases, the ability to easily take advantage of parallel and distributed computing power is essential. Fortunately, recent advances in computer design mean
Call for Papers
High-throughput optimization is often extremely useful. Analysis of many related economic scenarios may be needed quickly, or a very large scale model must be solved in a short time. In these cases, the ability to easily take advantage of parallel and distributed computing power is essential. Fortunately, recent advances in computer design mean