The organization of graduate level studies at COPPE occurs, institutionally and regimentalmente through its programs. In recent years, in various fields of scientific and technological knowledge, the authors emphasize the need for greater interaction between the various areas of engineering, characterized by complementarity and interdisciplinarity.

The Parallel Computing Center established in 1988 currently named Center for Attention in High Performance Computing (NACAD) COPPE installed in complex I-2000 operates laboratories in this sense, is a pioneering initiative in Brazil in high performance computing area and has contributed substantially to the development of national information technology in the areas of computer systems for engineering methodologies programming languages and compilers, algorithms, operating systems and computer architecture.

The course of Masters and PhD in the interdisciplinary area of High Performance Computing aims to offer a broad and updated view of the bases and forms of technological development in Scientific Computing area. The academic / institutional point of view the creation of this course consolidates and extends the activities of the High Performance Computing Center facilitating and increasing the joints with different COPPE Programs active in this area.

Concentration Areas

    • Computational Mechanics
      Academic Chairs: Profs. Alvaro L.G.A. Coutinho, José Luiz Alves and D. Luiz Landau.

    • Computer Systems Academic Chairs: Profs. Edison C.P. De Lima and Nelson F. F. Ebecken.
    • Simulation and Large Systems Control Porte
      Academic Chairs: Profs. Eugenius Kaszkurewicz, Djalma M. Hawk and Amit Bhaya.
    • Architecture and Operating Systems
      Academic Chairs: Profs. Claudio L. Amorim and Valmir C. Barbosa.

Profile Candidate

Candidates should have title degree in sciences (engineering or related field).

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