The line of Computer Graphics, Image Processing and Computer Vision was established in 1985 with the href="" Computing Laboratory Graphic Systems Program was inaugurated in 1988. the first courses in Image Processing and Computer Vision date back to 1987 and 1990, respectively.

The research developed in line is varied and multidisciplinary, involving topics such as:


Animation and Games

    • Particle systems
    • Character animation
    • Motion capture (MOCAP)
    • Visibility with cells and portals
    • Real-time rendering of complex scenes
    • Interaction and navigation techniques
Deformation of Surfaces

Deformation of Volumes and Surfaces

    • Methods "as-rigid-as-possible"
    • Moving least squares optimization
    • Mesh segmentation
    • Interfaces for model manipulation
    • Radial basis functions
    • GPU acceleration
targeting medical images

Medical Images

    • Active contour segmentation
    • Medical images visualization
    • Recognition using shape metrics
    • HDR image processing
Loop the Mexico Gulf basin

Numerical Meshes

    • Delaunay triangulations
    • Multiresolution meshes
    • Mesh optimization
    • Meshes from seismic data

Geometric Modeling

    • Implicit objects modeling
    • Polygonization methods
    • Variational surfaces
    • Level-of-detail mesh modeling
    • GPU-based mesh modeling
    • interaction strategies
    • Sketch-based interfaces
Point Rendering

Point-based Models

    • Rendering of models based on points 
    • Surface reconstruction
    • Multi-resolution representations
    • High quality rendering using GPUs
    • Visibility
Augmented Reality

Virtual and Augmented Reality

    • Marker recognition
    • Motion capture
    • Gesture recognition
    • Applications in mobile computing
    • Applications in education and health
    • Collision detection
collision detection

Physical Simulation

    • Physical animation
    • Detection and response to collisions
    • Collision with deformable models
    • Fluid simulation (liquids and gases)
    • Restrictions based methods
    • Distributed simulation (GPU and multicore)
Volume Rendering

Volume Rendering

    • Structured and unstructured volumes
    • Ray casting
    • Cell projection
    • GPU acceleration
    • Out of core visualization 
progressive navigation maps

Web Graphics

  • Cartographic visualization
  • Interactive data visualization
  • Web-based visualization of 3D models
  • Tools for authoring SVG and HTML5 media
  • Collaborative work via web






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