The Scientific Merit Award of the Brazilian Computing Society (SBC) is intended for the effective member or founder of SBC with recognized scientific and/or technical contributions in one of the various areas and specialties of computing covered by the Society. The award is granted by SBC during the Society's annual Congress, which will take place in Brasília in 2024. The award ceremony will be on 07/22/2024 at 7 pm.

In this year 2024, SBC has just announced that Professor Marta Lima de Queirós Mattoso (PESC) was awarded this award.

The Prof. Marta Mattoso has worked at PESC for 30 years. He was a “Young Scientist” in 2000 and four times “Scientist of Our State”, a scholarship awarded by FAPERJ in Rio de Janeiro. In 2005, his work in research relevant to the Database area was recognized by the Special Bank Commission. of Data at SBC, when she was honored during the Brazilian Database Symposium for her contribution to the area. Among her main services to the Brazilian scientific community are the initiative to create the “BreSci” event dedicated to computational support in the development of Science in Brazil. , participation in CAPES and CNPq Advisory Committees, and work on numerous program committees for international scientific events and journal editorial committees.

Prof.'s research. Marta is characterized by the strong involvement of her students in PESC, with several of them being awarded prizes for best dissertation and doctoral thesis in Databases.  Throughout his career he trained master's (68), doctorate (22) and postdoctoral (4) students. Several of these former students work in prominent positions in companies or in research at good universities and are currently researchers at CNPq.

In addition to Prof. Marta - who joins the group of 20 researchers already honored by SBC's Scientific Merit - received this distinction professors Jayme Luiz Szwarcfiter (2005), Nelson Maculan Filho (2010) and Edmundo Albuquerque de Souza e Silva (2023), all from PESC.

Congratulations Prof. Martha! A more than deserved tribute.



Published on 07/03/2024.