Last May, the SBRC Hackathon took place at the Brazilian Symposium on Computer Networks. 

Two teams from UFRJ participated in the Hackathon. One of them was the winner and another came in fourth place.

The first placed team was composed of: Alice Pinto (BCMT), André Cardoso (ECA), Victor Padro (BCC) and Vicente Almeida (Micro/Imuno - CCS). The team proposed GeoGuardBlock - a platform that uses blockchain and Data Fusion to detect landslide risk points.

The other team proposed a platform to encourage carpooling and low-carbon transportation through cryptocurrencies (Mobinit). This team was formed by students Raisa (BCC/IC), Zuilho Segundo (Electronic Engineering), Arick Jurdan (Electronic Engineering), Gabriel Leão (BCC/IC) and Carlos Eduardo Benjar (BCC/IC). 

Both teams had members from Analytica - UFRJ's Data Science competition team.

The Hackathon was sponsored by Cartesi and organized by professors Claudio Miceli (PESC) and Giovanni Comarela (UFES). Cartesi has already expressed interest in continuing with the projects of the teams that participated in the Hackathon.

Congratulations to the UFRJ teams, especially GeoGuardblock!


Below is a photo of the team participants and the prize received.


Published on 06/18/2024.