PESC professors Fábio Santos, Franklin Marquezino and Celina Figueiredo participated in the 1st Regional Meeting of Research Groups in Computing and Quantum Information (1st EGPCIQ), an event on Applications of Quantum Computing in Industry, Quantum Computing and Graphs, Quantum Communication and Information and Quantum Machine Learning.

The research group meeting on information and quantum computing took place at CEFET on August 24 and 25, 2023. The event was supported by CNPq (CNPq/MCTI/SEMPI Call project No. 26/2022 Research and Development in Quantum Computing, coordinated by professor Renato Portugal from LNCC and with the participation of Celina and Franklin from PESC).

More details about the meeting by clicking here.

Prof. Celina Miraglia Herrera de Figueiredo presented the thematic session "Quantum Computing and Graphs" giving the lecture "A path from Computational Biology to Quantum Computing" (pictured below).


Published on 08/25/2023.