The paper entitled "Analyzing Space Dimensions in Video Games" - by Leandro Ouriques (PESC doctoral student), Geraldo Bonorino Xexéo (PESC professor) and Eduardo Mangeli (PESC doctoral student) - was ranked third in the Arts and Design track from SBGames 2019.

SBGames is the largest academic event in Latin America in the area of games and digital entertainment. Held by the Brazilian Computer Society, the event brings together researchers, students and entrepreneurs who have electronic games as their object of research and development product. About 1,000 participants are received annually from different regions of Brazil and from countries such as Peru, Argentina, Uruguay, United States, England, Portugal, among others. In the last 5 years SBGames was held in Foz do Iguaçu (2018), Curitiba (2017), Sao Paulo (2016), Teresina (2015) and Porto Alegre (2014), and now in Rio de Janeiro (2019).

See more details about SBGames 2019.

Congratulations Leandro, Xexéo and Eduardo!






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