The doctoral thesis of Ana Luísa Carvalho Furtado entitled “Combinatorial Games in Graphs: Timber Game and Coloring Game” has been nominated for the award Best thesis of the year by SBMAC, and will receive the prize “Odelar Leite Linhares” during the CNMAC 2018 conference.

Ana Luísa will present her work as invited plenary speaker, on 22/9/2018, and she will receive the award at the opening ceremony of CNMAC 2018, on 21/9/2017.

Congratulations to Ana Luísa Carvalho Furtado, and to her supervisors Celina Miraglia Herrera de Figueiredo from PESC/UFRJ and Simone Dantas de Souza from IME/UFF!

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