Jayme turns 80 on July 5th.

It is with great satisfaction that the PESC publishes the series of events commemorating the birthday of Emeritus Jayme Luiz Szwarcfiter. The professor's presence at the PESC has honored us throughout the program's history. The program, especially those oriented in the PESC by Professor Jayme and the Algorithms and Combinatorics and Optimization lines, invite you to the events, participate, come celebrate with us!

ETC is the CSBC Computing Theory Meeting, takes place on August 2nd and 3rd at UFF and will pay tribute on August 2nd at 3 pm to Professor Jayme and his performance at SBC, see the schedule by clicking here.

LAWCG is the traditional Latin American Meeting of Clicks on Graphs, will take place in October at the Federal University of Paraná, will celebrate the 20th anniversary of the event and will be in honor of Professor Jayme, see details clicking here.

CLAIO is the biannual Latin-Iberoamerican Conference on Operations Research, will take place in December in Buenos Aires and will hold a commemorative session recognizing Professor Jayme's work at ALIO and in the area of ​​Operations Research, see details clicking here.

Congratulations Jayme and may many more years of full accomplishments come!


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