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The Polytechnic School of UFRJ held its traditional Commencement Ceremony remotely, an event that will enter the history of the traditional School, officially awarding a degree to the graduates of 2019/2. The ceremony was divided into graduating classes and transmitted live on the Escola Politécnica YouTube channel on different days.

The eight students graduating in Computer and Information Engineering (ECI) received their degree during the remote ceremony of 5/22 (Friday) where Professor Daniel Ratton Figueiredo was chosen as "Paraninfo" of the class, staff member Cláudia Helena Prata, currently the course secretary, and Professor Heraldo Luís Silveira de Almeida were also honored. The ceremony was recorded and is available here.

Congratulations to the graduates and our honorees! Special congratulations to Lucas Barcellos Oliveira who had the highest GPA (an incredible 9.3) among graduates from all classes in this ceremony (tying with another student) and took the oath!


Photo during remote participation (from left to right, top down): Daniel Ratton Figueiredo (Paraninfo), Bernardo Cardoso Cordeiro, Eduardo Fernando dos Santos Araujo, Lyang Higa Cano, Yuri Vasquez Fernandes, Bernardo Dornellas Cysneiros Gomes de Amorim, Lucas Barcellos Oliveira, Vinicius Almeida Alves, Erik Fernandes Tronkos, Heraldo Luís Silveira de Almeida (Honored Professor).



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