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The 2018/2 graduating class of the Computer and Information Engineering (ECI) undergraduate program from UFRJ honored Professor Daniel Ratton Figueiredo (as "paraninfo") and the staff member Cláudia Helena Prata, academic secretary of the program.

The commencement ceremony of was organized by the Polytechnic School of UFRJ on 05/07/2019, in the Horta Barbosa Auditorium (CT, Bl. A). Graduates from six engineering programs of the Polytechnic School (Environmental, Computer and Information, Control and Automation, Electronics and Computing, Nuclear and Oil) participated in the ceremony, accompanied by family members and friends who filled the auditorium. The ECI class had eight graduates, seven of which were present at the ceremony, as registered in the photo below. Three of them have already inrolled in the graduate program of COPPE.

Congratulations to the graduates and our honorees!


Graduates (from left to right): Anderson de Souza Barbosa, Brian Rocha Confessor, Daniel Ratton Figueiredo (paraninfo), Caio Cesar Riqueza Ramos, Gabriel Antonio Fontes Rebello, Carlos Eduardo Lopes Marciano, Pedro Hollanda Boueke, Rafael Gonçalves Damasceno.



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