O podcast “Subject to” é uma série de conversas com expoentes das áreas de Pesquisa Operacional, Otimização Combinatória e Logística, cujo anfitrião é o professor Anand Subramanian da Universidade Federal da Paraíba.

Vejam o recente onde o Prof. Jayme Szwarcfiter (PESC) dá um relato histórico da sua trajetória pessoal e acadêmica, imperdível! Clique aqui.

Contents of this video:
0:00 - Intro
1:40 - Polish background
4:43 - Family killed in the Holocaust
7:24 - Maracanazo in 1950
10:11 - Cidade Maravilhosa
10:52 - Witnessing the birth of Bossa Nova and musical interests 
13:29 - On deciding not going to university
14:12 - B.Sc. in Electronic Engineering at UFRJ
15:16 - "If you like mathematics you have to do engineering"
17:00 - Joining UFRJ as a lecturer, as well as Borroughs as system developer, both in 1968
19:54 - Masters project: library automation system
21:56 - Finding a position as PhD student at the Newcastle University in the UK
24:20 - PhD research work: generate objects from a certain collection
25:06 - Collaborating with Donald Knuth
29:06 - Post-doc at UC Berkeley with Eugene Lawler
30:56 - Collaborating with Christos Papadimitriou
34:57 - Witnessing the birth of the famous three-field notation used in scheduling
38:15 - Starting to supervise PhD students in the early 80s
39:08 - Post-doc at Cambridge with Béla Bollobás, also became friends with Reinhard Diestel
40:03 - On being a pioneer in the field in Brazil
41:22 - Post-doc in France
42:15 - Meeting Claude Berge
43:09 - Clique graphs + supervising Argentinian students
47:37 - Computational graph convexity 
50:13 - Research on scheduling and writing about OR topics in his textbooks
51:23 - Creating important international and national conferences
56:14 - Motivation to write textbooks in Portuguese
58:52 - Almirante Álvaro Alberto Prize: the highest recognition a researcher can receive in Brazil
1:00:35 - (No) secret for longevity
1:01:33 - Iconic hair/beard + relaxed personality 
1:02:40 - Concluding remarks



Publicado em 28/09/2023.