COPPE – The Alberto Luiz Coimbra Institute for Graduate Studies and Research in Engineering – has a great pleasure to announce the subscription for graduate courses in English is open.
The initiative is aimed to the foreign student who wishes to complement and update knowledge, connecting the students to our laboratories of excellence.
If you are interested in attending classes in master's and doctoral programs, be aware of the deadlines and procedures required to apply for one of the available positions.
The list of courses offered in 2019 is available here.
The deadline for subscriptions for the 2nd term is May 30th, 23:59 Brasilia time (BRT) and for the 3rd term is August 8th, 23:59 Brasilia time (BRT).
All applications must be submitted via form available clicking here.
For further information please send an email to
Please do not hesitate to disseminate this information among interested candidates.