Nesta quinta feira a Dra. Renata Teixeira estará visitando o PESC/COPPE e fará uma palestra MUITO INTERESSANTE sobre a NETFLIX.

A Dr. Renata colabora há muitos anos com a COPPE, fez mestrado na COPPE antes de ir para os EUA para os estudos de doutorado.  Renata teve vários cargos importantes de pesquisa durante a sua carreira, incluindo, nos últimos 10 anos, Diretora de Pesquisa do INRIA/Paris, e professora visitante de Stanford. Recentemente (2021) ingressou na NETFLIX.

Será uma excelente oportunidade para saber sobre alguns dos problemas de pesquisa na área de "video streaming" na Netflix, empresa que todos conhecemos.



Palestra da Dra. Renata Teixeira, NETFLIX/USA

Dia: 20/Out/2022, quinta-feira
Hora: 11:00-12:00
Sala: H-324B (bloco H, COPPE)

Título: "A day in the life of Netflix Streaming: Netflix Adaptive Streaming and more"


Video is the majority of traffic in all regions around the world, and all types of networks. Anyone who wants to understand the Internet today needs to understand video streaming. This talk will walk you through a day in the life of Netflix streaming, from encoding technology to content distribution and adaptive streaming. Video streaming is a highly interdisciplinary topic, and there is still much to be learned.

Breve Biografia:
Renata Teixeira is a Senior Research Scientist at the streaming algorithms team at Netflix. She received her Ph.D. degree in computer science from the University of California, San Diego, in 2005. During her Ph.D. studies, she worked on Internet routing at AT&T Research. She was a researcher with the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) at LIP6, UPMC Sorbonne Universites, Paris, France from 2006 to 2013 and a Director of Research at Inria Paris from 2013 to 2020. She was a visiting scholar at UC Berkeley/ICSI in 2011 and at Stanford University in 2018-2020. Her research interests are in quality of experience, measurement, analysis, and management of data networks. Renata appeared in the 2017 list of “N2Women: Stars in Computer Networking and Communications” and is an ACM distinguished member. She was vice-chair of ACM SIGCOMM and member of the steering committee of the ACM Internet Measurement Conference.