“What motivated me to join the PESC was its tradition, excellence and contribution to computing education in the country. The possibility of learning from the best professors and students and improving every day", is what Gabriel Souto de Jesus Augusto says about the new journey that began on 03/23/2023 - the date of reception of the 27 new Master's and Doctoral Students who make up the PESC class 2023P1.

Ronald Albert de Araújo Júnior tells us about the PESC: "It is a great reference in postgraduate computer science in Brazil. In addition to being one of the most traditional programs in Brazil, it is one of the few to reach grade 7 in the CAPES evaluation. That's why I think it is the most conducive environment for the development of research in the field of computing, which is my goal."

The female presence is of fundamental importance and Caroline da Conceição Lima tells us that "The first time she heard about COPPE she must have been about 16 years old. My technical course advisor was a PhD student and talked about the projects. When I went to graduate school, it wasn't different, the vast majority of my professors had a master's or doctorate at PESC. to do my master's and doctorate."

Naval Officer Ian José Agra Gomes says that "As a Navy Officer, completing a master's degree through the PESC is a unique opportunity to bring high-level technical knowledge to the Institution's operating sector, contributing to the realization of projects in the area of ​​National Defense ."

Gabriel Gazola Milan says that “During graduation, I always had a huge admiration for PESC professors. Accordingly, there was also the desire to enter graduate school. So, joining the PESC seemed like the best way to go and it was great to be able to do it."

Conrado Catarcione Pinot tells us that "What most attracted my attention to the PESC was the range of possibilities and paths that I can follow and the freedom that this provides. As well as the proven quality of the Program and the hospitality of its employees and professors".

These are some of the testimonials we collected and which show the enthusiasm of those who enter this period.

The new master's and doctoral students were welcomed in a lecture given by three voices by professors Guilherme Horta Travassos (current Coordinator of the PESC), Laura Silvia Bahiense da Silva Leite (next Coordinator of the PESC) and Daniel Ratton Figueiredo (Academic Coordinator) who welcomed the Several PESC professors were also present and the administrative team was represented by Ricardo Cézar Vieira da Silva Júnior (Executive Secretary), Gutierrez da Costa (Academic Secretary) and Roberto Rodrigues (IT Analyst) – who writes to you here.

But there are many other testimonials, such as Bruno Nogueira Lobo Zaniotto: "I chose the master's degree at PESC for the opportunity to be in a highly recognized and respected program both in academia and industry, which allows me to work on research projects with professors who are leaders in their fields".

For Júlio Cesar Medeiros dos Anjos Ramos, we have that "What motivated me to enter the master's degree at PESC was the desire to deepen my knowledge in the area of ​​artificial intelligence combined with one of the best institutions in the country in this area and with great market recognition ".

Luan Vieira also says that the performance of the PESC is the motivator and says that "I came from the Statistics course at the Institute of Mathematics of the UFRJ, and I was already interested in topics such as graphs and machine learning, in particular reinforcement learning supported by the decision process markoviano.

And we end with the words of Fabrício Magalhães Coutinho: “I have a degree in Applied and Computational Mathematics from UFRRJ and am currently studying for a Master's degree in Systems and Computing Engineering from PESQ. My main interest in studying the master's degree here was the Data and Knowledge Engineering research line, which covers the areas of machine learning, data science, databases, text mining, recommendation systems, among others. All of them are of interest to me and are very popular in this evolution of computing that we are experiencing. Being able to work with areas involving artificial intelligence is fascinating. Another reason for being here is that I have friends who graduated from the PESC and I was a student of Renan Vicente (professor at UFRRJ) also from the PESC, they are all excellent professionals. I am very grateful for the opportunity given to me and I hope to do an excellent job”.

And we, from the Social Body of the PESC hope to be able to respond to all these yearnings of the new class.



Below are photos of the 2023P1 New Students Reception.



Published on 03/29/2023