Maculan 80 Years: A Homage to Prof. Nelson Maculan
A morning in honor of the 80th birthday of Prof. Nelson Maculan.
Wednesday, March 29, 2023, from 8:30 am (Brasilia time).
Location: COPPE Auditorium at CT2.
Joint realization PESC/COPPE and Inst. of Mathematics (IM/UFRJ).
08:30 am - Reception and Coffee
09:30 am - Tribute
11:30 am - Cocktail party
At the PESC seminar in March, the Institute of Mathematics and COPPE jointly pay homage to our double Professor Emeritus for his 80 years that so inspired the CCMN and the CT.
As lecturers we will have guided at the PESC by the honoree: Professor Carlile Lavor, from UNICAMP, most frequent co-author of the honoree; professor Marcone Souza, former dean of UFOP, where the honoree graduated; Professor Lorena Pradenas, from the University of Concepción in Chile; professors Victor Giraldo and Gregório Malajovich, from the Institute of Mathematics at UFRJ; and professor Luidi Gelabert Simonetti from PESC/COPPE/UFRJ.
See the news about the event on the website of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences
by clicking here.
Published on 03/27/2023