[RFarias Picture]

  Associate Professor
  Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ
  Systems Engineering and Computer Science Program - PESC

    Center of Technology, Block H, Room H319
    Rio de Janeiro, Zip 21941-972, Brazil
    Phone: +55 21 2562-8647
    Fax: +55 21 2562-8676


Year 2011

Graphics Cards - The New Fast Brain of the Computers
R.Farias and C. Bentes
Science Today. May, 2011.
Volume 47, Number 281, Pag. 32-37.

Year 2010

A parallel heuristic for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Simultaneous Pickup and Delivery
Subramanian, A., Drummond, L.M.A., Bentes, C., Ochi, L.S., R.Farias
In: Computers & Operations Research. 2010.
Volume 37, pag. 1899-1911.
Hardware-Assisted Projected Tetrahedra
Maximo, A., Marroquim, R., R.Farias
Computer Graphics Forum (Print), 2010.
Volume 29, Pag. 903-912.
Facial Recognition Via RAM-Based Neural Networks
Araujo, L., Franca, F., Farias
In: SIBGRAPI 2010 - Works in Progress, 2010, Gramado. 2010. International Conference, Gramado - RS, Brazil. © 2010 IEEE.
Improved Algorithms for Volume Rendering and Mesh Processing
Maximo, A., Varshney, A., R. Farias
In: Workshop of Theses and Dissertations (WTD) of 23rd SIBGRAPI
Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images, 2010.
Improvements on Hyperbolic Smoothing Clustering Method for Application with Graphics Processing Unit
R. Farias, Villas-boas, S. B., Xavier, A., Mendes, M. S
In: 8th EUROPT Workshop on Advances in Continuous Optimization, Aveiro. 2010.
Improvements on Hyperbolic Smoothing Clustering Method for Application with nVidia's Cuda Architecture
R. Farias, Villas-boas, S. B., Mendes, M. S., Xavier, A
In: Brazilian Symposium on Operational Research SBPO, Bento Goncalves., 2010
LU Decomposition on GPUs: The Impact of LU Decomposition on GPUs
Cupertino, L., Singulani, A., Silva, C. P., Pacheco, M., R. Farias
In Workshop on Applications for Multi and Many Core Architectures, Petropolis, 2010.

Year 2009

Dynamic Screen Division for Load Balancing the Raycasting of Irregular Data
Labronici, B., Drummond, L. M., Bentes, Cristiana, R.Farias
In: IEEE Cluster, Nova Orleans, USA, 2009.
Irregular Grid Raycasting Implementation on the Cell Broadband Engine
Cox, G., Maximo, A., Bentes, Cristiana, R.Farias
In: 21st International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing
Sao Paulo, Brazil, Oct. 2009.
A Method for Searching Optimum Regularization Parameter In a Image Restoration Problem
Stutz, D., Silva Neto, Antonio, R.Farias
In: II Academic Meeting of Computational Modeling at LNCC Petropolis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2009.
Unleashing the Power of the Playstation 3 to Boost Graphics Programming
Maximo, A., Cox, G., Bentes, Cristiana, R.Farias
In: XXII Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Oct 2009.

Year 2008

Volume and Isosurface Rendering with GPU-Accelerated Cell Projection
R.Farias, Marroquim, R., Maximo, A., Esperanca, C
Computer Graphics Forum
Volume 27, Pag. 24-35, 2008.
Memory Efficient GPU-Based Ray Casting for Unstructured Volume Rendering
Maximo, A., Ribeiro, Saulo, Bentes, Cristiana, Oliveira, Antonio, R.Farias
In: IEEE/EG Symposium on Volume and Point-Based Graphics
Los Angeles, USA, 2008.
Iterative Method for Searching Optimum Regularization Parameter In a Image Restoration Problem
Stutz, D., Silva Neto, Antonio, R.Farias
In: XI Computational Modeling Workshop
Nova Friburgo, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2008.

Year 2007

GPU-Based Cell Projection for Large Structured Data Sets
Maximo, A., Marroquim, R., R.Farias, Esperanca, C
In: GRAPP, Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
Spain, 2007.
Information Weighted Mean Square Error (IWMSE): Perception Based Images Comparison
Stutz, D., Silva Neto, Antonio, R.Farias
In: X Computational Modeling Workshop
Nova Friburgo, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2007.
Memory Efficient and Robust Software Implementation of the Raycast Algorithm
Pina, A., Bentes, C., R.Farias
In: The 15th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision
Plzen, Czech Republic, 2007.
Memory-Aware and Efficient Ray-Casting Algorithm
Ribeiro, Saulo, Maximo, A., Bentes, Cristiana, Oliveira, Antonio, R.Farias
In: Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing - SIBGRAPI Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil, 2007.
Using Distributed-Shared Memory Mechanisms for Agents Communication in a Distributed System
Gonzaga, T., Bentes, C., R.Farias, Castro, M. C. S, Garcia, A. C. B
In: 7th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2007.

Year 2006

Out-of-Core Segmentation by Deformable Models
GiraldI, G. A., Marturelli, L, S., R.Farias, Silva, R
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume.2955, Pag. 216-223, 2006.
Distributed Load Balancing Algorithms for Parallel Volume Rendering on Cluster of PCs
Coelho, A., Lopes, A., Bentes, C., Castro, M. C. S, R.Farias
In: XXXII Conferencia Latinoamericana de Informatica - CLEI
Santiago, Chile, 2006.
VM3D-Anim: An Educational Visualization Tool For The Industry
Cavalcanti, C.H., Bentes, C., Roma, P., Marroquim, R., R.Farias
In: Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing - SIBGRAPI
Manaus, Amazon, Brazil, 2006.
GPU-Based Cell Projection for Interactive Volume Rendering
Marroquim, R., Maximo, A., R.Farias, Esperanca, C
In: Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing - SIBGRAPI
Manaus, Amazon, 2006.
High-Performance Volume Rendering for 3D Heart Visualization
Maximo, A., Marroquim, R., Esperanca, C., Santos, R. W., BenteS, Cristiana, R.Farias
In: Workshop on High Performance Computing in the Life Sciences - HPCLife
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing
Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais, Brazil, 2006,.
High Performance Visualization of Ocean Data
Lopes, A., Bentes, C., R.Farias
In: I Encontro UERJ de Geomatica Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2006.

Year 2005

GCE: Knowledge Management Applied in a Design Reengineering Process
Oliveira, J., Souza, J. M., Lima, M., R. Farias
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 3675, Pages 94 - 102, 2005.
Using Distributed Shared Memory In Coordination of Multi-Agents
Gonzaga, T., Bentes, C., Castro, M. C. S, Garcia, A. C. B., R. Farias
Cadernos do IME. Serie Informetica
Volume 19, Pages 2-11, 2005.
3D Free-Form Modeling with Variational Surfaces
Cuno, A., Esperanca, C., Roma, Paulo, R. Farias
Journal of Winter School of Computer Graphics
Volume 13, Pages 9 -16, 2005.
VisFluid: An Analysis Tool for Fluid Flow in Porous Media
C. M. Lima, Garcia, L. M. G., Bentes, C., R. Farias
In: Proceedings of the VII Brazilian Symposium on GeoInformatics - GeoInfo
Campos do Jordão, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2005.

Year 2004

Fault-Tolerance of Parallel Volume Rendering on Cluster of PCs
Guedes, S., Bentes, C., R.Farias, Silva, G
In: International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications
Las Vegas, USA, 2004.
Loop Snakes: Snakes with Enhanced Topology Control
Oliveira, A., Ribeiro, S. , R.Farias, Esperanca, C
Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing - SIBGRAPI
Curitiba, Parana, Brazil, 2004.
Parallel Volume Rendering for Ocean Visualization in a Cluster of PCs
Coelho, A., Nascimento, M., Bentes, C., Castro, M. C. S, R.Farias
In: Brazilian Symposium on GeoInformatics - GeoInfo
Curitiba, Parana, 2004.
Parallel Rendering of Irregular Volumetric Medical Data on PC Clusters
R.Farias, Bentes, C.
In: Brazilian Workshop of Computation - Workshop de Informatics Applyed to Health
Itajai, Santa Catarina, Brazil, 2004.
Fault-Tolerance for Parallel Visualization of Ocean Data in Clusters of PCs
Guedes, S., Bentes, C., Castro, M. C. S, R.Farias
In: Navy Symposium for Software Development and Maintenance
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2004.

Year 2003

RZSweep: A New Hardware-Assited Volume-Rendering Technique for Regular Datasets
Chaudhary, G., Ramaswamy, L., R.Farias
Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing - SIBGRAPI
Sao Carlos, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2003.
Work Distribution for Parallel ZSweep Algorithm
Coelho, A., Guedes, S., Bentes, C., R.Farias, Goncalves, L. M
In: Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing - SIBGRAPI
Sao Carlos, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2003.

Year 2001

Parallel Volume Rendering of Unstructured Data with Application to Hemodynamics
Gilson A. Giraldi, Rafael A. Feijo, and R.Farias
in Rita - Revista de Informatica Teoria e Aplicada, 2001.
Volume 8, Number 2, Pages 87-108, October 2001.
Tutorial (pdf) [1.0M Bytes]
Efficient Rendering of Volumetric Irregular Grids Data.
R.Farias - Ph.D. thesis defended in Jun 6, 2001
State University of New York at Stony Brook, NY, USA
Thesis Dissertation (pdf) [3.6M Bytes]
A Unified Infrastructure for Parallel Out-Of-Core Isosurface and Volume Rendering of Unstructured Grids.
Yi-Jen Chiang, R.Farias, C. Silva, and Bin Wei,
In to PVG01 - IEEE 2001 Symposium on Parallel and Large-Data
Visualization and Graphics, October 22-23, 2001.
Parallel-io.pdf [390K Bytes]
Out of Core Rendering of Large Unstructured Grids
R.Farias and C. Silva,
In Special Issue of Computer Graphics and Applications
- Large-Scale Data Visualization, July/August 2001
IOZSweep.pdf [390K Bytes]
Code will be available soon.
Parallelizing the ZSWEEP algorithm for Distributed-Shared Memory Architectures
R.Farias and C. Silva,
In to VG01 : International Workshop on Volume Graphics 2001
PZSweep.pdf [123K Bytes]
Code will be available soon.

Year 2000

ZSweep: An Efficient and Exact Projection Algorithm for Unstructured Volume Rendering
R.Farias, J. Mitchell and C. Silva,
In ACM/IEEE Volume Visualization Symposium 2000
ZSweep.ps.gz [760K Bytes]
ZSweep.pdf [510K Bytes]
Code available : send me an email.
Time-Critical Rendering of Irregular Grids
R.Farias, J. Mitchell, C. Silva and B. Wylie,
In Proceedings of the XIII SIBGRAPI
International Conference, Gramado - RS, Brazil. © 2000 IEEE.
Towards an Architecture for Artificial Animated Creatures
Luiz M. G. Goncalves, Fernando W. da Silva, R.Farias and Rod A. Grupen,
In Proc. of Computer Animation'2000 Conference. May 2000, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
Get the paper here (.ps.gz format = 970K)
A Control Theory Approach for Real-time Animation of Artificial Agents
F. Silva, L. M. Garcia, R.Farias and A. Oliveira,
In Proceedings of the XIII SIBGRAPI International Conference, Gramado - RS, Brazil. © 2000 IEEE.
Control Mechanisms for Computer Animated Agents
F. Silva, A. Lopes Jr., R.Farias, S. Botelho and L. M. Garcia,
In Proceedings of the III Workshop in Virtual Reality 2000