COS860 - Advanced CUDA Programming

3ยบ Trimester 2012

Instructor: Ricardo Farias
Center of Technology, Building H, Room H304, Office 01
Phone Number: +55 21 2562-8647

In this course we cover advanced CUDA programming techniques. Among others: GPU timing; concurrent memory access; streams; texture map; atomic operations; critical sections; graphical interoperability; multi-gpu programming; and hybrid concurrent CPU/GPU processing.

General Information

This is a 3 credit and 45 hour course.
The final grade will be given based on the implementation of a innovative algotrithm for GPU.


It is assumed the student to have strong background on C/C++ programming language and have attended COS859 - Introduction to CUDA Programming.


September, October and November, 2012; Wednesday, 8:00 - 12:00. Building H, Room H319 - Lab LUG2.

Tentative Course Topics

Text Books

CUDA reference materials: