Franklin de Lima Marquezino

Professor of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) at
COPPE / Systems Engineering and Computer Science and
Xerém Campus

D.Sc. Computer Modelling (2010) at the National Laboratory for Scientific Computation (Brazil)
M.Sc. Computer Modelling (2006) at the National Laboratory for Scientific Computation (Brazil)
B.Sc. Computer Science (2004) at the Catholic University of Petrópolis (Brazil)

CNPq Researcher with Productivity Grant PQ2
CAPES Theses Award 2011 [*]

ResearcherID: F-6824-2013
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If you are interested in any of my research topics and would like to do your Master's or PhD studies under my supervision at COPPE/UFRJ, please, fell free to send me an email. Undergraduate students are also welcome to write asking for Scientific Initiation scholarships.

Se você tem interesse em algum dos meus tópicos de pesquisa e gostaria de fazer o Mestrado ou o Doutorado sob minha orientação na COPPE/UFRJ, por favor, sinta-se à vontade para me enviar um email. Estudantes de graduação também podem escrever perguntando por bolsas de Iniciação Científica (PIBIC).

Research interests


My Curriculum Vitae (in portuguese) can be reached at Lattes database. You may also find preprints at arXiv.
My PhD thesis (Analysis, Simulations and Algorithmic Applications of Quantum Walks, in portuguese) can be accessed here.

I received the CAPES Award for the best Brazilian thesis in Interdisciplinary Sciences. Although it is written in Portuguese, the main results are described in [1], [2], [3] and [4].

Useful Links


Franklin de Lima Marquezino
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Cidade Universitária, Centro de Tecnologia
Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
CEP: 21941-972
Sala H318-A-10

Email: [click to show]
Phone: +55-21-3938-8667 (Recently changed!)

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